Saturday, October 1, 2016

September Book Haul + Wrap Up


Can it really be the first of October? I feel like I was just reading everyone's August wrap-up posts. How fast time flies! Well, I decided last month that I wanted to start doing some book haul posts- a good thing I suppose, because this month's haul was pretty nice. Now to begin.

So I didn't get to read as much as I wanted because I'm preparing for a test I have in a couple of weeks, but I was able to get some good ones in like Black by Ted Dekker, A Time to Speak by Nadine Brandes, and The Lost Girl of Astor Street by Stephanie Morrill.

I was pretty happy with these finds at my Little Free Library's and the Goodwill. This was a pretty big haul, and I wasn't trying to get so many, but they all sounded so interesting, and they all wanted a home on my bookshelf. :)   (the Nancy Drew's were vintage, so I replaced mine with the older versions)
Okay, so when I started writing this post the other day, I took the picture above. I didn't realize that I'd bee adding a few more to the ever growing stack. I ended up going to the library looking for something, and ended up with four more books, and then saw For King and Country and bought their book Priceless that goes along with their movie coming out on October 14th. (AND I got a picture with them and the book signed!) I started reading the book while I was in line, and it is really good. (check out the movie!)
So below is the additional books I got.

I actually didn't write a whole lot this month. I did finish the 100-for-100 earlier in September. During that time I was working on a couple short stories. This month I was inspired for a new story (I know, I can't stop coming up with new ones *shakes head despairingly*) This story is a mystery, and though I don't have everything right now, I think it will be an interesting one.

So yeah. There's my wrap up. What books did you get in September?


  1. Neat wrap-up, Soleil! I REALLY need to read more Bryan Davis books, the two that you got look so good!
    I got a lot of books during September, but one of my favorite is a beautiful hardback copy of 'Here, There Be Dragons' that my sisters bought me.

    ~ Savannah

    1. Thanks! Yeah, the Bryan Davis books I got look really good. Can't wait to read them. Oh that sounds like a great book! You'll have to let me know how it is.

  2. Whoa, that's a lot of books! I don't think I've read any of them, but they look interesting!
    I actually think I got only one book this past month. Which is quiet sad. :P I'll have to make up for in in October!

    1. It is a lot for sure. I wasn't expecting to get so many, but a most of them were $0-$1, so I wasn't too upset. :)

  3. Whoah, so many books! o.O That's awesome that you can get good deals on them. I'm going to a book sale in a couple of days and am SO STINKING EXCITED.

    ...Now that I think about it, I don't think I got any books in September. o.O *gasps* That needs to change in October, I think. xD

    // katie gravce
    a writer's faith

    1. It was a lot for sure. Boksales are awesome!!! Hope you find some great deals because that no book month needs to change. ;)
      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. What lovely books! My older sister read all of the Diary of a Teenage Girl books, but I have yet to do so. So many books, so little time.
    I want to read "If I run" but I'm thinking of waiting till the sequel comes out in March, because my friend read it and says it ends on a real cliff-hanger! :D
    Ooh, I want to both see and read "Priceless"!! So exciting that you got to see For King and Country!

    1. I haven't started them yet, but they look good. And I totally agree with that quote! "If I Run" looks really good. Was surprised to find it, so I quickly snatched it up. It sounds so interesting. (uh-oh. A cliff-hanger?!) ;)
      Priceless was really good, and I can't wait to see the movie either. Thanks!
