Tuesday, September 6, 2016

3 Day Quote Tag (DAY 3)

Hope you enjoy the final quotes!

I love this psalm. It is really a prayer we need to say everyday. A reminder to go to God first, and to do all for him.

I saw this the other day and had to share. We had the Son of the King give his life for us, because he loves us. Isn't that the best love story?

$5.00 Bible Verse Print -The grass withers and flowers fade, but the word of the Lord stands forever Isaiah 40:8 It’s amazing to think of how long His word has been around. In times of joy or trial, we seek His word. Why? Because we can count on it, it never changes on us and it’s here to stay forever. Display this beauty in any room so we can always be reminded of where to turn. - Different size options available. #bibleverse #bibleverseprint #christianart #christiandecor #isaiah40:
God's word is always there. It is always true. We may not understand all that is in it, but that is what God wants us to know. The Bible is full of poetry, history, prophecy, laws, and stories for us to learn from.

*notices that there are only two writing related quotes in the whole 3 posts, but doesn't care* :) I always seem to have characters, or a scene or two WAY before the story appears. But I enjoy it, and I am so thankful for Pinterest so I do not lose the inspirations.

(all photos from Pinterest.)

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